Thursday, 27 September 2012

The Project X Dorm Party

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So... funny story.
My whole floor has to go to an AA meeting because apparently, we have alcohol problems.
Yes, I am being completely serious right now.

You see, what happened was we (I use this term loosely) threw an AMAZING, KICK ASS party while our RA was away. It was so kick ass that the campus police, windsor police, and paramedics showed up (3 stomachs pumped that night). It wasn't all our (again, I use this loosely) doing though. We were just having a birthday party for one of our friends and some how, the whole campus showed up (120 people were on our floor!). The funny thing is, the people who lived on the 6th floor didn't tell anyone about it. The other floors we're promoting it and it just happened to be on our floor. People even snuck in through the fire escape to come! A fight also broke out too, which kind of made me angry. I mean, we seriously can't have fun without someone fucking it up? But either way, it was pretty legit.

Well, because of this party, the whole floor is force to pay $400 to pay for these damages that we're committed that day.

Like the very subtle hole in our kitchen wall:
Yeah, very subtle.
Somebody just decided to bring hulk to the party apparently.

Before when you said you were on the 6th floor, people didn't think much, but now, we are legends. This will probably be talked about for years and years after we all graduate. Thats pretty badass to me.

The Project X of dorm parties happened here my friends.
Just another day at Wonderland.

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