Sunday, 14 October 2012

Hey, want to hear something funny?
There was a toothless man roaming around my building thanksgiving weekend.
And you wanna know when they caught him?
Tuesday afternoon. Ya know, when like STUDENTS WERE IN THE BUILDING!!!
Yes Windsor police, let a toothless, 40 year old convict stay in a building for 4 days while 18 year old females roam around.
Seems legit.

I'm not going to talk about the whole situation, but if you didn't already know about it or you're interested in the story, just click this handy dandy link over there -> Toothless Man be trippin'

But besides that, not much has happened, hence, why I haven't blogged anything in awhile. Midterms have been happening all month, but really, why would I want to blog about something so boring?

Is watching Exorcism of Emily Rose something interesting to discuss? Nope?
Okay, well I guess this is my cue to go back to studying.

Live long and prosper friends.

Just another day at Wonderland.

P.S. Melanie Martinez has the most relaxing voice ever. If you don't feel calm from this, you're not human:

Wednesday, 3 October 2012

I've learned so much already! You have this certain idea of university in your mind before you get there and then when you're here, everything is much different! Okay, maybe not everything, but heres a list of a few things I've learned from my first month of university:

1) You won't be living in sweat pants! - Before I left, I stocked up on sweat pants and leggings thinking I would barely be wearing jeans at all. Boy, was I wrong. I wore sweat pants one day and I felt sloppy and underdressed compared to everyone else! Leggings and combat boots became my best friend; cute, comfy and edgy all in one. Jeans and Converses has also become one of my favourite things to wear around campus. Just simple, classic, comfy, and casual! Cute guys saying they like my Converses' is another perk ;).

2) You will still have close friends from back home. They will reach out to you! - Trust me, the friends that you're still in contact with are the ones that truly care about you. There are some people I used to chill with everyday in high school that didn't even know I left the city! Believe me when I say: If they care, they will keep in contact. But don't forget to make new friends at university (not like it's hard to do that in the first place).

3) You will be in your room less than you think! - I honestly thought I would be on Skype or talking on my phone for at least 4hrs every night, but really, I'm never in my room! There is so much to do and explore in this new city so in reality, I don't get that much alone time until I really need to crack down on the books. Luckily I have a single room so alone time is very easy to get, but generally I get very little of it. You will never be bored on campus cause there is always something to do!

4) My 10 is extremely useful! - If I didn't not have My10, I'm pretty sure my phone bill would be close to a thousand! If you don't have this, I suggest you add it to you're plan and put the people you know you're going to call on it (mom, dad, siblings, and close friends). It's also less stress to know that you can talk to your best friends for hours without paying money for every minute.

5) You might actually LOSE weight! - Believe it or not, instead of gaining the freshman 15, I actually lost weight! My jeans are getting looser and my clothes are starting to fit better. I actually think I eat healthier here than I did back home. So no fear, the freshman 15 doesn't happen to everyone.

6) Sharing a bathroom isn't that bad! - I thought I was going to HATE sharing a bathroom and that it would always be disgusting in there, but really, it's not too bad. It's cleaned everyday by the custodians and most people clean up after themselves. Sometimes you'll be lucky enough to be taking a shower beside a human ipod (you know, those people that sing in the shower). But you'll definitely have to get used to walking back to your room in a towel and possibly passing guys on the way.

7) Makeup? What's that? - You will not do you're makeup everyday and look fabulous like the people on TV. Actually, most girls here rarely wear makeup, only on weekends when everyone goes out. Trust me, you'll have little time to pamper yourself in the mornings.

8) There is always an opportunity to meet new people!  - When you just arrive, you meet people on your floor and a lot of times, people like to "floor hop" (jump from floor to floor in hopes of socializing with others) so you'll end up meeting a bunch of people from your building regardless. Parties are also a good way to meet people. Befriending the host is always a good idea because if they have another party or knows someone who is, you'll be in the loop.

9) The people who went back for a year start to seem very immature! - I'm sure we all know those people who went back to high school for a 5th year and i'm sure you noticed something about them: they are still stuck in their high school ways (and not in a good way). I've left high school, met new people that are closer to 25 then they are to 16, and just gained a shitload of life experiences in a short period of time. And my high school friends just seem to be... well... the same. Still immature, still focused on drama, and still using that stupid slang that I haven't heard in awhile. Just know, in a short time they will be leaving their comfort zone also and you'll be on the same page again.

10) You're going to change and that's okay! - You may react to things differently than your used to, talk different, maybe even dress different, but you know what? Thats okay. I know I'm not the same person I was in August and definitely not the same person I was in high school. I grew and matured in a month and I look at things differently than I did before. Old habits die hard for sure so I'm not saying a complete metamorphosis is going to happen, but trust me when I say your personality will change. Just make sure you don't lose yourself along the way.

Yeah, I know this is a long post, but I've learned so much in a short period of time! If you guys can relate to any of these, don't be afraid to comment!

New friends!

Old friends!

Just another day at Wonderland.

P.s. On October 3rd, he asked me what day it was:
"What day is it?"
"It's October 3rd."

Thursday, 27 September 2012

So... funny story.
My whole floor has to go to an AA meeting because apparently, we have alcohol problems.
Yes, I am being completely serious right now.

You see, what happened was we (I use this term loosely) threw an AMAZING, KICK ASS party while our RA was away. It was so kick ass that the campus police, windsor police, and paramedics showed up (3 stomachs pumped that night). It wasn't all our (again, I use this loosely) doing though. We were just having a birthday party for one of our friends and some how, the whole campus showed up (120 people were on our floor!). The funny thing is, the people who lived on the 6th floor didn't tell anyone about it. The other floors we're promoting it and it just happened to be on our floor. People even snuck in through the fire escape to come! A fight also broke out too, which kind of made me angry. I mean, we seriously can't have fun without someone fucking it up? But either way, it was pretty legit.

Well, because of this party, the whole floor is force to pay $400 to pay for these damages that we're committed that day.

Like the very subtle hole in our kitchen wall:
Yeah, very subtle.
Somebody just decided to bring hulk to the party apparently.

Before when you said you were on the 6th floor, people didn't think much, but now, we are legends. This will probably be talked about for years and years after we all graduate. Thats pretty badass to me.

The Project X of dorm parties happened here my friends.
Just another day at Wonderland.

Tuesday, 25 September 2012

I'm not too sure what possessed me to do such a thing, but I've done it. Let me introduce myself. I go by the name of Andriana, but you can just call me Anna (since that's what everyone seems to call me nowadays). I will not disclose the name of my university in fear that my many stalkers might be reading this. Therefore, I will just call it the University of Wonderland.

My best friend and I originally has the idea of making a youtube account (which we did) and posting vlogs of our university experience (which we didn't). I mean, the account may come in handy one day, but at this point, I rather express myself through words since that is what I'm in university for in the first place (English majors FTW!).

You may wonder why a still of Project X is my back ground or maybe you didn't wonder at all and now you're thinking "WTF, Project X? what does that have to do with anything?" Or maybe you aren't... but anyway, I'm going to tell you the reason behind this: it's the only thing I could think of to describe my university life so far. I know, doesn't make much sense to me either but thats what I feel in my heart *insert depressing Adele music here*.

Anyway, I hope this is a good opening post to la blog and will keep whoever is reading this interested in my crazy life at the University of Wonderland.

Trust me. It's very, very crazy.
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