Monday, 2 December 2013

This is probably one of the most powerful, real, inspiration videos I've seen. This reminds me to not give up and to push until I am in the position I want to be. To study that extra hour instead of browsing through Facebook. To not give up on a class I'm not doing well at, to push through it at all costs. The road to success is one filled with a lot of trial and error and sacrifice. If you're not trying to make it to the end, you will be just another stepping stone to someone else's success. Remember that.

Friday, 29 November 2013

This has been up there with one of my favourite songs of all time. It's so fun, catchy, and just a beautiful love song. I miss 2003 Fefe Dobson.

Wednesday, 27 November 2013

I don't know if Kanye West is really smart or just really crazy. I get what he is saying, I feel where he is coming from sometimes, but he is a walking contradiction. I have a love/hate relationship. I feel like he is just reacting this way because no one really understood what Yeezus was about, and he's trying to justify calling himself a god. Or he's just really salty that no one wants to promote his clothing line. I'm thinking the latter.

Listen to re-incarnated Walt Disney/Michelangelo's new rant (or in his words, "visionary stream of consciousness").

Monday, 25 November 2013

Listen and enjoy.

Monday, 18 November 2013

I can't stop listening to this song on repeat. I hope you all get just as addicted as I am ;)


Tuesday, 8 October 2013

Tyler The Creator just tweeted, exactly at midnight, the YouTube link for his new video "Tamale". The video consists of flashy colours and political statements; basically, everything you love about Tyler. About 2:30 mins into the video, Tyler is seen relaxing on the coach and rapping along to another song from his "Wolf" album titled, "Answer".

Ch-Check it out!

Monday, 7 October 2013

Miley Cyrus's "Wrecking Ball" and Mumford & Sons' "Little Lion Man" come together into one kick-ass song, that will have you clicking replay over and over again. I actually really like this mix, which is weird for me because I usually think anything with 'Mumford & Sons' in it to be a total snooze-fest. But this mix is telling me to give them another chance!

The video isn't too bad either. Ch-check it out!

"Cookie, cookie, cookie, I'm a cookie monster. Break your break, crack it open like a lobster". -R. Kelly aka Literary Genius.

R. Kelly just recently released a new song titled "Cookie". I have included a wonderful quote from the song just so you can really grasp the complexity and emotion behind the words.

But really, it's just another song you would play in the club or blast in your car with the windows down. It's really different from R. Kelly's old slow jams, but the context never changes (he wants to lick the middle like an Oreo for god's sake). I hope his other songs are more R&B and a little less "gangsta".

Nothing can top Ignition though:
Ah, the early 2000s.
[Hot New Hip Hop]

Friday, 4 October 2013

I stumbled across this video today that talks about doctors using HIV as a way to cure cancer. And the remarkable thing is it's working! Ch-Check it out below and let me know what you think about this amazing, medical discovery.

Just another day in Wonderland.

Thursday, 3 October 2013

I watched this recent interview of Kanye West and I couldn't help but be touched by what he says. It seems like once your a celebrity, it's like you're on a chain and being freely creative is nearly impossible. If you were equally confused about his new album, missing the old Kanye, and wondering what the hell he's going to do next, this 13 minute interview will clear everything up.


P.S. If you have time, check out the other parts of the interview. He talks in more depth about living life as a celebrity, family life with Kim, being a 'New Slave', his love for fashion, and how awesome Steve Jobs is.

Let me know what you think below!

I hope you're all watching Mean Girls today. If so, this post has done it's job.
Happy October 3rd!

Just another day in Wonderland.

Wednesday, 25 September 2013

Hello All!

Just wanted to welcome everyone back for another year of My So-Called Uni Life! A few things have changed this year like:
-No longer majoring in English (realized Radio and Television was my thing)
-Just Majoring in Communications, Media, and Film with a minor in Business (holla!)
-Loving Drake's new album. Nothing beats Take Care I must say, but I'm still dedicating this post to NWTS
-Recently got an internship with AM800 (owned by Bell Media) as a Promoter!
-In the works of getting my own radio show at CJAM

Yeah, september has been hectic for me so far! Sadly, my blog didn't get the love that I wanted it to this summer


I'm still going to post as often as I can about my internship, radio show, and just... ya know... My So-Called Uni Life.


Now my favourite song off of the album:

P.S. Don't forget to hit up my twitter and let me know what you think of NWTS ;o

Just another day in Wonderland.

Tuesday, 11 June 2013

Hello all!

This summer I decided to make 3 things my primary focus: mind, body, and spirit. I want to enrich all of these aspects of my life and continue to nourish them for not only this summer, but hopefully the rest of my life! Before summer started, my focus was mainly money, money, and more money. But since I am working from home and doing my own business, I have a lot of free time to focus on me and make myself a better person. So why not get the body I've always wanted?

My close friends and I decided to make a competition between each other on who can lose the most weight and inches by the end of the summer. We are all doing it in different ways and all have different weight goals, but at the end of the day, we all just want to be the best we can be! If we are not healthy now when we have minimal responsibilities, there is no way we can be healthy when we are busy all the time.

So what does this mean to me? Well, I started the p90x program roughly a week ago (so that covers the body), I make meditation a part of my weekly routine (I guess that covers spirit), and read on a daily basis (there's the mind!). I also incorporate multivitamins, biotin (helps my skin, hair and nails A LOT), and a cup of green tea to my daily diet. I don't know why, but these little things just make me feel so whole and content with my present life.

That being said, here's some motivation for all those trying to get fit this summer:

No longer in Wonderland.

P.S. I'd love to know what your goals are this summer! Leave a comment below :).

Tuesday, 30 April 2013

As you all know, school is officially complete for the year! It has been a crazy 8 months full of all nighters, friends, assignments, exams, and... guys. I believe I had a pretty good year and met some really interesting people. In my opinion, the first year is supposed to be the fun year where you are supposed to discover who you are and who you want to be so my grades aren't the best, but I'm thankful I passed.

Despite the fun year, I am happy to be home to unwind and relax in my extremely comfortable bed. It's nice not having a worry on my mind and hanging out with all the friends I'm not able to see everyday. But I know this honeymoon phase will not last because starting next week, it's all work, work, and more work. It all pays off in the end though.

Since I'm not exactly in University at the moment, I still do not know whether or not I will end up posting on here in the summer since I have a writing gig elsewhere. But anyway, just wanted to give my final thoughts on the year! I hope you all have a good, productive summer and see you all in September (but hopefully before than).

No longer in Wonderland.

Thursday, 25 April 2013

As the last days of university are coming to a close, we all start reminiscing about our year and all the crazy things we've been through. Like that one time your friend stuck her hand in the toilet for a dare. Or that other time you were so drunk at a party, you tipped your cup all over your friend. Yup, we've all pretty much been through that.

But those are not the things I remember most about university. Actually, I don't remember those nights at all...

Anyway, it was mostly the connections I made with other people that really intrigued me. I've met so many unique people from different backgrounds. The people I hung out with when I first came here gradually changed as the year went on. I've added some more friends, others became acquaintances, but luckily, I kept some great ones.

As I looked at some of my friends in the shisha-smoke filled room, I noticed something about all of us: we all don't belong. We are all misfits. We are all different parts of a machine that look like they cannot possibly fit right together but somehow... magically... they just do. We all look different, come from diverse background, have unique stories, and have different tastes in music, fashion, and so much more. But it just works. Makes no sense, but it works.

I guess that's what brings us together isn't it? That we are all misfits in a way?

Just another day in Wonderland.

Wednesday, 13 March 2013

I have been so grateful in my life to not only attend university, but meet so many amazing people along my journey. I have made many friends that continue push me out of my comfort zone and always encouraging me to do my best. It's rare to meet even one person who does that for you. Imagine ALL of your friends being like this. Yeah, I lucked out.

One of my friend in particular taught me a very valuable lesson: you do not have to wait till university is done to start your career. Crazy right? But I never realized how important that is until she opened my eyes and made me realize that I don't need a degree to begin a writing career. I can work whenever I want! I guess running this blog is somewhat working too, isn't it?

So why? Why haven't I thought about establishing my name in the writing world before I even graduate? I believe it was fear. Fear of the unknown and fear of failure. But now, I am not afraid anymore. I believe I am ready to start my life and my career. I am ready to put my writing out there and get recognized for something that has always been a major part of my life.

I am ready to be me.

Just another day in Wonderland.

P.S. I CANNOT stop listening to this song. If you know the original "No Scrubs", you would positively appreciate this artist's interpretation of the song.

Wednesday, 16 January 2013

Have you ever thought to yourself what the point of school was or why we, as a society, are forced to attend it for at least 12 years of our lives? What does school teach you exactly that you cannot learn from just living and experiencing life? Yes, you learn to read, do some useless math and learn some boring science, but what about things such as relationships? School will never teach you how to have a healthy relationship, whether it be romantic or platonic. Isn't that a very important part of life? Why don't we learn that? I think that would be much more useful than solving for X.

We learn how to times 1234453 by 43543534, but don't learn how to save or manage our money. Wouldn't that be much more useful in our lives?

Yeah, I think going to school is important to a person's life, but thats not the only way we can learn. Experiences are equally important. Why just learn about life in Australia when you can see it first hand? Why not travel the world and learn about other cultures from people that are actually from that culture? Some things a textbook just doesn't tell you. I believe experiences and learning should go hand in hand. Don't just read about it. Experience it.

Just another day in Wonderland.
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